The call has gone out to locals interested in helping preserve the history of Griffith, with volunteers needed at Pioneer Park Museum.
Griffith Mayor, Councillor Doug Curran said volunteers play a pivotal role in ensuring the ongoing success and vibrancy of Pioneer Park Museum.
“We truly appreciate the dedicated volunteers who contribute their time and passion to maintain and enrich the Museum's offerings,” Councillor Curran said.
“I’d urge any community members who have the time and want to give back to join the team.”
With a multitude of interesting roles and tasks available, Pioneer Park Museum offers a variety of volunteering opportunities suitable for diverse interests and skills. The available roles include:
  • Reception and tours: Engage with visitors, provide informative tours, and be the welcoming face of Pioneer Park Museum
  • Gardening and maintenance: Contribute to the beauty of the surroundings by participating in gardening and maintenance activities throughout the expansive grounds
  • Catering: Assist in organising and facilitating events by contributing to catering services for various occasions held at the Museum
  • Maintaining and cleaning displays and facilities: Play a crucial role in ensuring the preservation of artifacts and maintaining a clean and welcoming environment for all visitors.
  • Collection management and exhibitions: Work closely with the Museum's collection, helping with organisation, documentation, and the creation of engaging exhibitions.
All volunteers will receive comprehensive training to equip them with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in their chosen roles. Staff and other volunteers will guide them through the volunteering process.
“We have a really good but small group of volunteers, ranging from newly retired to those required to complete 15 hours of voluntary work through Centrelink. Volunteering not only benefits the community but the social aspect and purposefulness of volunteering has proven beneficial to the mental and physical health,” said Museum Manager, Jennifer O’Donnell-Priest.
“Sometimes people perceive that volunteering commits you and therefore ties you down but we are flexible and understand travel and family take precedence. Any time given, whether it be a restoration project done in your own time or 3 hours to keep the front doors open, we appreciate it all.”
For those willing to become a part of this historical preservation effort, please contact the Museum on 6962 8333 or call in and have a chat with Jenny or the team.
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