If you're looking at hosting fireworks at your next event please ensure you have researched and understood the SafeWork NSW explosives and fireworks regulations. Events using fireworks will require a fireworks licence issued by SafeWork NSW and will need to comply with all the conditions set out in the licence.
Permission for fireworks is required from both Council and the landowner.
Please note if your event is on Council owned land you are required to clearly mark the location of your amusements on a site map and upload this with your booking request, along with valid Public Liability Certificates of Currency for each operator, as well as Risk Assessments and Safe Work Method Statement for each amusement ride.
Amusement operators are required to operate within the Australian Standards for Amusement Rides and Devises and provide a copy of their public liability insurance with a minimum $20,000,000 cover to Council before the event booking can be confirmed.
Amusement rides can only be setup as part of an organised public event. Due to underground irrigation and other infrastructure, parks and reserves have limited sites available for items that are required to penetrate the ground. A site induction must be conducted prior to setup.