Congratulatory message requests

Locals celebrating a special birthday or wedding anniversary can receive a personal letter of congratulations from the Mayor.

Upon request, the Mayor will send a message of congratulations to residents within the Griffith Local Government Area turning 90 or 100 years of age.

The Mayor also sends messages to couples celebrating 50 years of marriage and every 10 years thereafter.

How to apply

To arrange a message from the Mayor, please complete the submission form below and provide supporting documentation (eg. birth or marriage certificate).  If these documents aren't available, you can provide a statutory declaration (available at any post office or Griffith City Council customer service).

Supporting documentation can be attached below or emailed to Supporting documentation in original form such as birth and marriage certificates must be hand-delivered and will be copied for you.

When should I arrange the message?

The Mayor’s messages are sent via Australia Post and will be dispatched to the nominated recipient (or care-of address for surprises) within 10 working days of receipt of the request. You can also request a belated message up to one month after the birthday or wedding anniversary has passed.