Get SepticSmart

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Working towards safe and responsible onsite sewage management

Griffith City Council was successful in securing a grant for our Get SepticSmart project under the third round of the NSW Environmental Trust’s Environmental Education Program.

The Get SepticSmart project aims to educate householders and businesses about operating and maintaining their OSMS in a safe, sustainable and responsible manner.  The project aims to reduce the number of pollution incidents caused by failing systems to help improve and protect the environment and the public health of the local community.

If you have any queries in regards to the Get SepticSmart project, contact the Environment & Public Health Unit on 1300 176 077.

Factsheets in the Education Series

1. Introduction(PDF, 333KB)
2. Septic Tank and Absorption Trench(PDF, 1MB)
3. Aerated Wastewater Treatment System (AWTS)(PDF, 386KB)
4. Why Should You Maintain Your OSMS(PDF, 295KB)
5. Responsibilities of OSMS Owners(PDF, 317KB) 
6. Problems With Your OSMS(PDF, 290KB) 
7. Dos and Don'ts Of Operating OSMS(PDF, 402KB) 
8. Approval to Operate OSMS(PDF, 329KB) 
9. What to Expect When You're Inspected(PDF, 341KB) 
10. Water Conservation Tips(PDF, 329KB) 
11. Planting List(PDF, 391KB) 
12. Common Terms Associated With OSMS(PDF, 347KB) 
13. OSMS Record Sheet(PDF, 328KB)