Community safety

Pair of human hands encircling a ring of human paper cut-out figures representing community safety

The safety of our Community is a top priority. Council is involved with a number of community safety initiatives and provides services and information to assist our residents and visitors.

Bushfire information

If you're concerned about a bushfire hazard on your property or an adjoining property, you need to contact the NSW Rural Fire Service (RFS). The NSW RFS provides current information regarding:

  • current major incident activity
  • current Total Fire Bans
  • advice on protecting your property and other fire related safety information
  • building development

Keep up to date

In a bushfire emergency, it's important you keep up to date.

Report it

  • In an emergency call 000
  • If you need to report an unattended fire contact call 000
  • If your home or business has lost power, visit Ausgrid for updates. Contact 13 13 88 for emergencies or 13 13 65 for enquiries.

Be prepared

Hazard reduction

The NSW RFS manage all hazard reduction activities. This is any activity that reduces or removes fuel before the onset of a bushfire. For more information about this visit NSW RFS website.

Child safety

Child Safe Resources

Child Safe Policy

Griffith City Council has developed a Child Safe Policy(PDF, 146KB) which outlines our commitment to creating and maintaining a child safe organisation. 

Child Safe Code of Conduct

Griffith City Council has adopted a Child Safe Code of Conduct(PDF, 2MB) which outlines the minimum expected behaviours between workers and children within the organisation as part of our commitment to creating a child safe environment. 

Child Safe Standards

The Office of the Children's Guardian has produced a Guide to the Child Safe Standards to support organisations working with children to create, maintain and improve their child safe practices.

You can view the Office of the Children's Guardian Child Safe Standards and the Child Safe Scheme video here.

Additional Resources

Office of the Children's Guardian website

Child Safe - Keeping Them Safe Summary(PDF, 2MB)

Child Protection Helpline: 132 111

NSW Police: 000

Lifeline: 13 11 14

CCTV - Closed Circuit Television

Griffith City Council operate CCTV cameras within the Griffith Central Business District

Footage is held for 31 days and available by Subpoena only

CCTV Footage Recovery Fees

  • 0-2 hours of total footage extracted - $125 (minimum)
  • every hour thereafter - $99 per hour

To download an application form and view the Terms & Conditions click here(PDF, 61KB)

Floods and storms

The NSW State Emergency Service (SES) is the lead combat agency for flood, storm and tsunami emergencies. In an emergency call 132 500.

The SES can also provide advice on:

  • Planning and preparing for a flood
  • Knowing your risk
  • Effects of flooding on rural property owners

Stay up-to-date

Report it

  • If your home or business has lost power, visit Ausgrid for updates. Contact 131 388 for emergencies or 131 365 for enquiries.
  • For dangerous trees on private land, call the SES on 132 500. If there is a threat to life call 000.
  • Trees on public land that have fallen onto private property will be cut up and removed by Council as soon as practicable.

Council's role

Council may assist the SES in clearing up storm damage, fallen trees and other tasks. During an emergency please call the SES on 132 500.

Local Emergency Management Committee (LEMC)

The Local Emergency Management Committee (LEMC) is responsible for the prevention of, preparation for, response to and recovery from emergencies and disasters within the local government area (LGA). These responsibilities include activities such as the development of emergency management plans, emergency risk management, multi-agency training and exercises, and supporting combat agency public education programs.

The LEMC membership includes local representatives from NSW Police, NSW Rural Fire Service, State Emergency Service, Fire and Rescue NSW and other support agencies. The Chair of the LEMC is a Council appointed staff member who also sits on the Regional Emergency Management Committee.

Road safety

We are a proud participant of the Local Government Road Safety Officer Program, which is an initiative to address the problem of safety on our roads.

The program aims to increase the involvement of Local Government and local communities in strategies to improve the safety of people on roads. The program relates to behavioural issues with a focus on improving road safety within the local community. The aim is to raise awareness of key issues, which contribute to local road crashes, and to develop and implement highly localised projects to address these issues.

The Road Safety Officer works closely with traffic engineers, Police, the Roads and Maritime Services and the local community to address road safety issues in the Griffith local government area.

For further information please contact 1300 176 077.

Grape Spills

Please click here for information on grape spills(PDF, 205KB)

Useful links

Roads and Maritime 
Transport for NSW