GIS (mapping)

Partial Street Map Image of Griffith Roads


Griffith City Council's GIS team managers the production of maps using a Geographic Information System (GIS). This system enables staff to display, manipulate, analyse and interact with geospatial data, creating informative mapping products for Council staff, external Government organisations, and the general public.

Map products

Council offers a variety of street maps for purchase at the Customer Service counter. They can be provided in sizes ranging from A4 to A0 with prices vary depending on size of the map. These maps are also available as PDF documents on request.

Additional GIS services

In addition to standard street maps, the GIS team can provide customised maps and individual data sets, such as:

  • Cadastre: Property boundaries and house numbers
  • Council Assets: Water mains, sewer mains, road and footpath networks
  • Environmental Data: Wetlands, remnant vegetation
  • Points of Interest and Community Facilities: Parks, schools, aged care, and health care services

Note that fees apply depending on the complexity of the maps, size of printout, and amount of colour used. Additionally, some data sets require pre-approval and may involve data sharing agreements.

For further information regarding GIS services, maps and pricing please contact Griffith City Council GIS on 1300 176 077.