Generally, any personal information you provide to us will only be used and/or disclosed for Council's purposes, or a directly related purpose, unless you consent to another use or disclosure, in emergencies, or as otherwise required or authorised by law. We may also disclose your personal information to your authorised representative/s or third parties acting on your behalf (e.g. your solicitor, power of attorney, or interpreter).
Where we collect personal information from you, this Website Privacy Statement indicates which third parties we might share your information with (if any). In addition to providing our services to you and carrying out your requests, we may use or disclose personal information that we collect about you for purposes including the following:
- for the main purpose that we have collected the information;
- purposes related to our research, planning, product and service development, security and testing;
- purposes connected with the operation, administration, development or enhancement of our services, including this website;
- where we suspect that fraud or unlawful activity has been, is being or may be engaged in;
- any other purposes required or authorised by law.
- Council is to be regarded as the agency that holds the information. We may share information within Council and with third parties. The types of third parties to whom we may share personal information may include:
- service providers engaged by us from time to time to assist us in delivering our services (e.g. community service partners and organisations who may provide archival, auditing, professional advisory, banking, mail house, delivery, recruitment, call centre, information technology, research, utility or security services);
- any other agent/contractor of Council;
- other public sector agencies and statutory authorities;
- any other third party as required or authorised by law.