Community grants

4 hand together with blocks spelling out the word 'give'

Each year Griffith City Council makes funds available through a number of grants programs.

Information on the different programs available, significant dates, application and acquittal forms can be found below.

For further information about the different funding opportunities available please contact Council on 1300 176 077 or email


Community Grant Program

Each financial year, Griffith City Council makes funds available under its Community Grants Program for local community organisations, services and individuals within the Griffith Local Government Area.

The program assists recipients to deliver quality programs, events and projects which support the community and enhance wellbeing. These projects should meet the strategies in the Griffith Community Strategic Plan 2022-2032.

The Community Grants Program is currently closed. Watch our social media posts for when the next round is commencing.

Grants are capped at $2500.

There are several criteria which must be met to be considered eligible. To find out more, view our Community Grant Program Policy.

No late applications will be considered for each round.

Please note: an evaluation & acquittal form is due 12 months after completion of the project/event. 

Access the Evaluation & Acquittal form here

Individual Achievement Grants

Grants are for individuals under 25 years selected to represent NSW or Australia at significant events. The emphasis is on funding eligible applicants as a means to develop community capacity. 

This stream is open all year.

Please ensure your application is submitted well before undertaking the proposed event or activity.

Click here to submit an Individual Achievement application 

Please note: an evaluation & acquittal form is due six (6) weeks after the event. 

Access the Evaluation & Acquittal form here

Quick Turnaround Grants

Request for funds to support activities that arise during the year and are outside the guidelines of other grants. 

These are capped at $2,500. Requests are to be addressed to the General Manager or Mayor and include a detailed overview including cost of the activity.

Please note: an evaluation & acquittal form is due six (6) weeks after the event. 

Access the Evaluation & Acquittal form here


Clubs NSW provides community groups and individuals with the opportunity to apply for a grant through its ClubGrants program. The grant is listed as a Category 1.

Category 1: Supports community welfare and social services; community development; employment assistance activities; community health services; and projects aimed at improving the living standards of low income and disadvantaged people.

There's no standard state-wide opening/closing dates for ClubGRANTS funding.

You must register for ClubGRANTS prior to submitting your application and all must be submitted online.

No late applications will be accepted.

Click here to learn more and get started