New residents
Welcome to Griffith
New To Griffith or thinking about making the move? Get all the information you need to know as a local with our Welcome Guide.
View online or pick up a New Residents Kit(PDF, 6MB) from the Griffith Tourism Hub.
Meet new people and find your tribe
Griffith City Council welcomes people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds as a valued part of our community. Griffith is a diverse community with over 18% of our community born overseas. Griffith’s current population of around 27,000 is made up of a rich blend of cultures. We’re very proud to be a supportive, vibrant community that welcomes new residents, migrants and refugees.
More information on other helpful groups and services can be found in the Community Directory
Griffith welcome experience
The Welcome Experience can provide local advice on what life is like in regional NSW. Griffith Welcome Experience is your concierge-like service and information tailored to the specific needs of each individual or family. Connecting you to sports clubs, social groups and community organisations to meet like-minded individuals, as well as providing information and introductions to cultural communities.
Find out more
Join a Club
Whether you are into soccer, gardening or gaming there are over 50 special interest groups in Griffith. Check out our Community Service Directory to find community groups and sporting teams to join.
ConnectYouth2680 - Griffith youth advisory group
Are you 12-24 years old? Griffith City Council’s Youth Advisory Group hold regular meetings and organise events for young people. If you're interested in joining message us on
Council newsletters to subscribe to
The Griffith City Library, The Griffith Youth Advisory Group and the Griffith Regional Art Gallery run regular free/low-cost public programs.
Stay informed with Council’s newsletters, subscribe here;
Council Catch Up
Evolve Newsletter
Tourism Talk Newsletter
Griffith Now Hiring
Griffith Regional Theatre
Griffith Regional Art Gallery
Griffith City Library
Looking for work?
Jobs Riverina Murray is your one-stop-portal for employment in the Riverina Murray Region, including Griffith. Jobs Riverina Murray is a smart, cost-free way to connect with a diverse and growing workforce. Job Seekers can create an AirCV & be matched for future job roles.
Multicultural Organisations
Multicultural Council of Griffith
Consists of a diverse group of people from different cultural backgrounds who work together to celebrate and promote cultural diversity. The council holds cultural festivals and events throughout the year. The Multicultural Council also provides information and support to migrants and refugees settling in the region. Contact Carmel (02) 6964 4366
Centacare South West NSW
Provides Settlement and Engagement transition program for new migrants and refugees – Contact Tracey Febo 6964 1447 or 0428 348 783, email
Multicultural Disability Advocacy Association (MDAA)
MDAA is the peak body for all people in NSW with disability and their families and carers, with a particular focus on those from a culturally and linguistically diverse / non-english Speaking background with disability – Contact 6962 5399 or 0434 745 585, email
TAFE NSW Griffith
TAFE NSW Griffith offers an Adult Migrant English Program and other courses in fundamental english for speakers of other languages - Contact 6962 0444 or
Rural Australians for Refugees (RAR)
A grassroots movement for compassionate treatment of Australia's asylum seekers. Members of the Rural Australians for Refugees want to see Australian government policy reflect the values of Australian society – fairness, respect, dignity and decency. They want human rights policy enshrined in law in order to protect the rights of people seeking asylum in this country. As members of a global community, RAR is driven by responsibilities to international law and to humanity. Email Will Mead or to find out more: Rural Australians for Refugees