Saving water

We are committed to encouraging water savings practices throughout our City. Through water savings education and providing tips and tools on how to save money, we can all start to conserve this country's most valuable and scarce resource.

Council has a program of water management for its parks and gardens and encourages all residents to comply with the current voluntary water restrictions.

There are a number of simple ways you can minimise water use in the home, from keeping cool water in the fridge to taking shorter showers. It's easy to implement a water-savings plan and every drop that doesn't go down the drain is a drop that is saved for someone else. Also, minimising water use can reduce you household water costs.

In the Kitchen

Water saving

Keep a container of drinking water in the fridge so that you don't run water down the plughole waiting for the water to cool. Thaw frozen foods in the fridge or microwave rather than placing them under running water.

Washing vegetables: Save water by washing vegetables and rinsing dishes in a plugged sink or basin - not under a running tap.

Cooking vegetables: Microwave, steam or use a pressure cooker to cook vegetables, to retain more flavour and use less water than traditional boiling.

In the Bathroom/Laundry

Water saving showerhead
  • Put a plug in the sink when shaving rather than rinsing your razor under running water.
  • Take shorter showers. Every minute less in the shower saves one bucket of water.
  • Install a water saving showerhead. Consider installing a AAA rated water saving showerhead and save on water and energy costs.
  • Use the half flush and save up to four buckets of water per day.
  • Check for leaks in your toilet by adding food dye to the cistern. If colour appears in the bowl within half an hour it is time to do some repair work.
  • Wait for a full load of washing before reaching for the detergent as every load less saves 17 buckets of water.

In the Garden

Water saving plants
  • Take the time to learn to 'read' your plants. Many gardeners apply more water to plants than is needed and this in effect creates a need or 'habit'.
  • Gradually withdraw the frequency of water application. If you are currently applying water every five days and the plants look good, then stretch it out to 10 days before applying the next bucket of water, then maybe 15 days. Gradually you can stretch it out further and you may find some plants are surviving a month or more without a drink.
  • Before applying water test the ground. Scratch the soil with your finger and if it is damp, it doesn't need water.
  • Plants will go into a dormant state over the summer period, then revive once the season changes. If a plant dies in your garden, consider replacing it with a more tolerant species suitable for where we live.


  • Look at mulch suitable for the application.
  • If you have a 'no-dig' area, consider the use of scoria or gravels. These are particularly effective around natives, Mediterranean plants, proteas, shrubs and bushes.
  • For an area where plants change with the seasons, such as roses, annuals and perennials, an organic mulch is more suitable.

Trees and shrubs

  • Some trees and shrubs will stress and drop leaves. In this case you may need to apply water to the root system. Create some holes in the ground around the root zone - not the trunk. Fill up with soil that you have added water saving crystals to. Apply water or use some PVC pipes placed in the ground to ensure water gets down to roots.
  • To save that special magnolia or water hungry tree, use the above method.
  • If water runs away from the plant, make a 'moat' around the root zone to keep water where it is needed.
  • For some shrubs you may prune back excess foliage, so the plant is not trying to 'feed' as much.


Sprinklers on lawn
  • Lawns will come back when the rains arrive. To assist, aerate lawns with the garden fork, so rain penetrates into the ground.
  • Suitable grass varieties for this region include couch grasses and commercially available arid mixes.
  • Talk to the local nursery for advice on lawn grasses suitable for your area.
  • Allow grass to grow higher so it shades itself. Short grass will suffer from sunburn. Raise the mower blades for the warmer months.

Your garden

  • Don't over water and make sure you are applying water to the root zone of the plant. Look at the outer level of the plant foliage, that's where the roots are.
  • Apply water slowly, gradually allow every drop of water to soak into the ground.
  • A length of PVC pipe placed into the ground at root zone level filled with water will soak in gradually.
  • Another method is to use a soft drink bottle. Put a nail hole in the lid, cut off the bottom and upend the bottle beside the root zone of the plant. Fill the bottle with water. In this way the bottle acts as a funnel to apply water where it is needed at a slow pace.

New plants

Gardening new plants
  • When planting something new, always apply water crystals to the hole in the ground.
  • If you would like to plant some annuals, try placing them all together in a small part of the garden to concentrate the water use in one area. They are also very attractive in containers. Don't forget to use water saving crystals.

Pot plants 

  • Use water saving crystals in pot plants. Use a stake to create a hole and push some crystals down.
  • Don't forget to mulch your pot plants and container plants.
  • Some plants such as tree ferns may die off, but don't be surprised to see them come back in the autumn. Just keep the base moist.

Water use

Household of four people
Fitted with water efficient devices following basic water conservation practices

Household of four people
No water efficient devices used not following water conservation practices





4 x 4 minute showers (AAA rated showerhead using 10 litres per minute)

160 Litres

4 x 5 minute showers (Standard showerhead using 15 litres per minute

300 litres

Two loads of washing up

30 litres

Two loads of washing up

30 litres

Using dishwasher once (AAA rated dishwasher)

18 litres

Using dishwasher once (Standard dishwasher)

40 litres

Flushing dual-flush toilet 16 times (3 litres half flush/6 litres full flush)

60 litres

Flushing toilet 16 times (11 litres per flush)

176 litres

One load of washing (6 kilos) (AAAA rated washing machine

72 litres

One load of washing (6 kilos) (Standard washing machines)

130 litres

Teeth brushing/shaving using glass of water- not running tap

3 litres

Teeth brushing/shaving- running tap (5 minutes)

80 litres

Washing vegies in plugged sink

5 litres

Washing vegies under running water (2 minutes)

32 litres

Drinking water and cooking

50 litres

Drinking water and cooking

50 litres

Washing hands

20 litres

Washing hands

20 litres

Water for cleaning inside home (eg floors)

20 litres

Water for cleaning inside home (eg floors)

20 litres

Water for pets

30 litres

Water for pets

30 litres


468 litres


908 litres