Understanding the DA process
Building a new house or renovating your property is exciting but the Development Application (DA) process can sometimes be confusing and overwhelming.
The 6 basic stages to gaining development consent and construction approval are:
Stage 1 - Pre-lodgement advice
Before you prepare and lodge an application, we encourage you to discuss it with one of Council's duty planners to obtain general advice. This is a free service, available via phone by calling 1300 176 077 or in person at the Council administration building, 1 Benerembah Street Griffith, between 9am and 12pm, Monday to Friday.
Stage 2 - Lodging your DA
All development applications (DAs) must be lodged online via the NSW Planning Portal. The NSW Planning Portal provides an online environment where people can access planning services and information from anywhere at any time.
First, you'll need to register for a NSW Planning Portal account in order to complete the online DA form.
Lodging a DA consists of:
- Obtaining all required documents
- Obtaining an application fee quote by completing the Quotation Request for Development Application form and/or the Quotation Request for Construction, Building, Subdivision Certificate if applicable. Fees and charges will be assessed based on the proposed works to be carried out in accordance with Council’s Revenue Policy
- Lodge your application electronically
A completed DA will generally include:
- a description of the development
- estimated costs
- any necessary specialist reports
- the council’s DA form and checklist
- all matters required for a DA in the approved form on the planning portal as required by the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2021 (EP&A Regulation)
- the required DA fee
If your application is incomplete, you'll receive details on what is required via the Planning Portal.
Once your application is complete and accepted for lodgement on the Planning Portal, Council's Customer Service Team will contact you for payment. Your application will not be considered as lodged until the application fees have been paid in full.
Stage 3 - Assessment
In most instances, Council will be the consent authority for the DA. In certain circumstances, we may only undertake the assessment process and a regional panel or another government agency will act as the consent authority.
- Once submitted, your application will be allocated to an assessment officer.
- The assessment officer will contact you to introduce themselves and answer any questions you may have (within 14 days of lodgement).
- Your application may be placed on public exhibition.
- If so, the assessment officer will carefully consider all matters raised during the exhibition period.
You may be requested to provide additional information during the assessment process.
Applications are assessed in accordance with Section 4.15 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979
Stage 4 - Determination
Following the complete and proper consideration of your application, a determination will be made.
If permission is granted for your project, you'll obtain a development consent. Your development consent will outline any conditions that must be addressed prior, during and upon completion of construction or prior to use commencing. You may also have to obtain a number of other certificates or approvals.
If the assessment officer is not in a position to support your proposal, development consent will not be granted. If this occurs, the assessment officer will then contact or meet with you to discuss issues and explain Council's position.
Stage 5 - Get your Construction Certificate
Your Construction Certificate (CC) must be obtained from Council or an accredited certifier and includes your detailed building plans/engineering details and specifications. The plans will most likely contain a lot more information than your approved DA plans, to allow your builder to work directly from them.
Any plan changes that are inconsistent with the DA plans would need to be assessed as to whether an application to modify the development consent is required.
In order to obtain your CC you may be required to first provide additional reports and pay refundable bonds or development contributions to the council. These details are covered in the conditions of your development consent.
View our Construction certificates and Building certification services page for more information
Stage 6 - Get your Occupation Certificate
The Occupation Certificate (OC) authorises the occupation and use of a new building or building section. The issue of the final Occupation Certificate is the last step in the formal DA and construction process.
View our Construction Certificates page for more information
The NSW Planning website provides a full guide to each of the above stages.
Ready to get started?
All development applications must be lodged electronically via the NSW Planning Portal.
Access the NSW Planning Portal >
Question? Call 1300 176 077