Many of Council’s services – for example our libraries, community events and customer experience - are provided in the same way, to the same standard for every member of our community. Other services, like Griffith Spring Fest, sustainability workshops, or playgrounds, are available to everyone, but are delivered to meet the needs of particular parts of our community. Finally, infrastructure like roads, parks and footpaths, are provided right across the City but may be improved at different times. Council sets its works program on an annual basis which means that in any one year we will spend more money renewing or replacing infrastructure in some parts of the City than in others.
In the same way that the further you drive a car the more often you will need to get it serviced, we need to maintain and replace highly used assets more often than those that are not used as much. This means that some roads are maintained more frequently than others as the type and volume of traffic impacts how soon they wear out – trucks will damage roads faster than cars. We apply that same principle to all our assets, including playgrounds, sports fields and community buildings.
This can make it look like some areas are better looked after than others. Over time, though, our works programs are designed to ensure that all our facilities right across the City are adequately maintained to provide a level of service that reflects how much they are used.