How do I make a submission?
In some cases, Griffith City Council is required to notify the general public or nearby property owners of a proposed development.
You may support or object to a development if you are of the opinion that it might affect you.
Council officers assess development applications (DAs) against planning criteria in local planning controls and state legislation. Council's planning controls are available to view on our website. However, we would like to know about the issues that are important to you.
Before you make a submission
Review the proposal
Before you make a submission, read the information supporting the application and view the plans. Make sure you have a clear understanding of what is being proposed.
You can track the status of any application we're assessing via the Application Tracker. Supporting documentation and plans are only available on the Application Tracker during the exhibition period.
Seek clarification
In most instances, the applicant will be your neighbour. You may be able to clarify details or resolve concerns by discussing the proposal with them directly.
You can also contact the Council Officer assessing the application. Contact details of the nominated officer are included in the development notification letter received or public notice published.
Submission requirements
Your submission must outline the reasons why you support or object to the application. The reasons you provide will be carefully considered during assessment of the application. Do not make offensive or defamatory comments.
Group petitions can be submitted but will not be considered as a submission and will be treated separately. If a petition is submitted, the person who submits it will be the designated point of contact for all future correspondence.
All submissions must be received by close of business on the last day of the exhibition period, unless otherwise stated. Late submissions are not considered by Council.
Submissions are NOT confidential (excepted for your contact number, email address and signature).
Copies of submissions may also be forwarded to the applicant. They can address the issues raised by way of comments or amendments to the application.
You'll need to advise us within your submission if you wish for any information that may identify you to be withheld from the public.
Anonymous submissions will not be considered.
Declaration of Political Donations and Gifts
You are required to disclose information if you or an associate have made any political donations and gifts(PDF, 147KB) to a Councillor or Council employee during the two years prior to making your submission.
Lodging a submission
Via email or in writing
Submissions must to be addressed to Council’s General Manager. Please include the application number you wish to comment on. You must also provide your:
- name
- address
- phone number and email
Send your submission via email to or to Griffith City Council, PO Box 485 GRIFFITH NSW 2680.
Once the exhibition period has ended, you'll receive a submission confirmation. Council will not answer questions you may have included in your submission but will carefully consider the matters raised as part of the assessment process.
If amendments are made to the DA and Council officers consider these to be minor or to reduce impacts, you will not be re-notified. However, Council will contact you if significant changes are made to the current proposal.
If the DA is to be determined by Council, you'll receive notification informing you of the Council Meeting date once the agenda has been published.
You'll also be notified of the outcome of the application once it is determined. If the application is amended, it may be re-exhibited (at our discretion).
The progress of a DA can be viewed on our DA Tracker. If you have queries regarding progress, phone 1300 176 077.
View DAs currently on exhibition >