Liquid trade waste

About Liquid Trade Waste

Liquid trade waste is any discharge to a sewerage system other than sewage of domestic nature, such as wastewater from a handwash basin, shower, bath, toilet, or domestic laundry.

Examples of some industries that discharge liquid trade waste are wineries, food processors, metal finishers, service stations, restaurants and cafes, chemical manufacturers, motor mechanics, hairdressers and nursing homes.

Customers whose business activities produce liquid trade waste are required to apply for a Liquid Trade Waste Agreement with Griffith City Council. Application forms can be obtained by contacting Council's Customer Service Counter. Customers must comply with the conditions of approval.


Pre-treatment facilities, such as grease traps, general purpose pits, averaging pits, corrugated plate interceptors, hydrocyclone separation systems etc., require maintenance and cleaning. All pre-treatment equipment require proper servicing to work effectively.

Acceptance Standards for Liquid Trade Waste are largely set by NSW Water. For more information, visit their website.

Reducing Liquid Trade Waste

Originally, Griffith's sewerage system was designed to transport domestic sewage. However, as Griffith has grown, so has the number of commercial and industrial operations, resulting in a significant load on the sewer collection and treatment system.

It's important to keep in mind that poorly treated liquid trade waste may cause blockages, damage critical infrastructure, or harm people who work in and around the sewerage system.

The more waste we keep out of the sewerage system, the better it is for people, our environment, and the protection of Council's assets.

Liquid Trade Waste Program

Liquid Trade Waste agreements between Griffith City Council and its industrial and commercial customers may specify such things as:

  • the type of pre-treatment required and how often it needs to be cleaned or serviced 
  • the types of substances that are allowed to be discharged 
  • the amount of liquid trade waste to be discharged

Council officers may also conduct on-site inspections to ensure compliance.

To encourage industries to reduce and pre-treat their liquid trade waste, Griffith City Council charges fees for the amount and type of liquid trade waste discharged to the sewerage system.

View Council's Liquid Trade Waste Policy(PDF, 134KB)

Liquid Trade Waste Policy - Adopted Guidelines(PDF, 607KB)

For more information please contact Griffith City Council on 1300 176 077.