Council Committees

Our Council Committees provide strategic guidance and recommendations to the elected Council. They are a key function for enabling public participation in decision making with committee members comprising of representatives from the community, stakeholder groups, Council staff & Councillors.

View Committee Agendas & Minutes

We encourage all community members to get involved! To apply for Committee membership, please complete the application form

The following Committees have been established by the elected Council:

Airport Committee

Focus Areas

Airport Parking, Aerodrome

Purpose & Scope

To be determined

Councillor Representation

Councillor Christine Stead (Chair)

Councillor Tony O'Grady

Councillor Anne Napoli


View Agendas & Minutes here.


Audit, Risk & Improvement Committee

Focus Areas

Internal Audit, Risk Management

Purpose & Scope

As required under section 428A of the Local Government Act 1993 (the Act), the role of this Committee is to review and provide independent advice to Council regarding the following aspects of Council’s operations:

  • compliance
  • risk management
  • fraud control
  • financial management
  • governance
  • implementation of the strategic plan, delivery program and strategies
  • service reviews
  • collection of performance measurement data by Council, and
  • internal audit.

Relevant Documents:

Guidelines for Risk Management and Internal Audit for Local Government in NSW - Office of Local Government NSW

Councillor Representation

Councillor Christine Stead (observer / non-voting)


View Agendas & Minutes here.

Floodplain Management Committee

Focus Areas

Floodplain Management

Purpose & Scope

  1. To oversee and guide the progress and findings of any study being undertaken as part of the Floodplain Management Plans.
  2. To provide a forum for discussion of technical, social, economic and environmental issues arising from the Floodplain Management Plans.
  3. To consider:
    1. Existing flood risk
    2. Flood mitigation measure
    3. Community awareness
    4. Floodplain Management Manual
  4. To facilitate and seek community input and engagement in the gathering of data and views in respect to the development and strategy for implementation of the Floodplain Management Plans.
  5. To provide Council with sustainable, integrated Floodplain Management Plans with recommendation as to the management of the risk of flooding to enable the reduction of damage from flooding as required as per Guidelines NSW Floodplain Development Manual.
  6. Review the plan as required.
  7. Review Council floodplain risk plans and studies.

Relevant Documents 

Flood Information | GCC

Councillor Representation

Councillor Scott Groat (Chair)

Councillor Laurie Testoni


View Agendas & Minutes here.


Disability Inclusion & Access Committee

Focus Areas

  • Matters relating to access and mobility issues with particular emphasis on issues for people with disabilities;
  • Issues relating to the Pedestrian Access and Mobility Plan (PAMP), Bicycle Plan, CBD Strategy, Development Control Plans, Tourism and Economic Development Strategy or other Plans of Council and their implementation;
  • Advice to Council during planning and design of public buildings, open space and recreation facilities;
  • Submissions following public notification of Development Applications or significant development proposals in the public domain;
  • Access issues relating to public events.

Purpose & Scope

  1. To advise and make recommendations to Council on matters relating to access and mobility issues with particular emphasis on issues for people with disabilities;
  2. To advise Council on issues relating to the Pedestrian Access and Mobility Plan (PAMP), Bicycle Plan, CBD Strategy, Development Control Plans, Tourism and Economic Development Strategy or other Plans of Council and their implementation;
  3. To prepare advice to Council during planning and design of public buildings, open space and recreation facilities;
  4. To prepare submissions following public notification of Development Applications or significant development proposals in the public domain;
  5. To advise Council on access issues relating to public events.

Relevant Documents 

Disability Inclusion and Access Plan

 Griffith Pedestrian and Bicycle Strategy(PDF, 8MB)

Councillor Representation

Councillor Shari Blumer (Chair)

Councillor Laurie Testoni 

View Agendas & Minutes 

Lake Wyangan and Catchment Management Committee

Focus Areas

Lake Wyangan - Water Quality, Ecosystem Health, Community Wellbeing Management Actions & Amenities

Purpose and Scope

  1. Read, be familiarised and understand the full content of both the:
    1. Lake Wyangan and Catchment Management Strategy – Technical Report October 2016
    2. Lake Wyangan and Catchment Management Strategy – Strategy Report November 2016.
  2. Be prepared to action implementation of preferred Management Actions across:
    1. Water Quality Management Action
    2. Ecosystem Health Management Actions and
    3. Community Wellbeing Management Actions
      as described in the Lake Wyangan and Catchment Management Strategy – Strategy Report November 2016
  3. Bring to the LW&CM Committee a professional knowledge and/or expertise related to any one or more Management Action/s and be prepared to utilise such knowledge and/or expertise to assist delivery of preferred Management Actions.
  4. Be prepared to undertake robust discussion in relation to the implementation of preferred Management Actions, take specialist advice when necessary, this to ensure the successful design, documentation and delivery of preferred Management Actions.
  5. Be prepared to ‘call in’ specialist expert knowledge and expertise as required to underpin sound Management Action decision making and delivery.
  6. Investigate models and mechanisms for financing preferred LW&CMS Management Actions. Any Management Action/s will require a budget allocation and/or funding source to underpin delivery of Management Actions.
  7. Pursue opportunities for specialist Research and Development involvement in further advancing scientific knowledge and understanding of the physical, chemical and biological processes taking place on and surrounding Lake Wyangan to enhance informed Management Actions.
  8. Ensure open engagement with other Private, State or Federal Government stakeholders and Agencies whom are readily able to contribute knowledge, policy and process to the implementation of Management Actions.
  9. Be prepared to engage openly with all potential stakeholders within the Lake Wyangan catchment in an endeavour to deliver inclusive and cooperative participation from all potential stakeholders in the delivery of preferred Management Actions.
  10. Be prepared to profile the successes of the LW&CM Committee arising from successful implementation and delivery of Management Actions as they arise through Local, State and National Award opportunities and associated media opportunities (Duty of Chairperson).

Relevant Documents 

Lake Wyangan and Catchment Management Strategy - Strategy Report June 2017(PDF, 2MB)

Lake Wyangan and Catchment Management Strategy - Technical Report June 2017(PDF, 27MB)

Lake Wyangan Foreshore Masterplan

Councillor Representation

Councillor Doug Curran (Chair)

Councillor Tony O'Grady

Councillor Laurie Testoni

Councillor Mark Dal Bon (Alt)

Councillor Scott Groat (Alt) 


View Agendas & Minutes here.


Landfill / FOGO Committee

Focus Areas

Landfill, FOGO Rollout

Purpose & Scope

To be determined

Relevant Documents 


Councillor Representation

Councillor Doug Curran (Chair)

Councillor Christine Stead

Councillor Mark Dal Bon


View Agendas & Minutes here.


New Cemetery Masterplan Committee

Focus Areas

New Cemetery

Purpose & Scope

To be determined

Relevant Documents 

Draft New Cemetery Masterplan(PDF, 12MB)

Councillor Representation

Councillor Jenny Ellis (Chair)

Councillor Mark Dal Bon 


View Agendas & Minutes here.

Pioneer Park Museum Committee

Focus Areas

Pioneer Park

Purpose & Scope

Recreate the living history of the Griffith Region.

Relevant Documents

Plan Of Management - Scenic Hill Zone 2 Pioneer Park(PDF, 4MB)

 (PDF, 4MB)Draft Griffith Pioneer Park Museum Masterplan(PDF, 31MB)

Councillor Representation

Councillor Shari Blumer (Chair)

Councillor Laurie Testoni

Councillor Jenny Ellis 


View Agendas & Minutes here.


Scenic Hill User Group

Focus Areas

Scenic Hill

Purpose & Scope

The Scenic Hill User Group has been established for the purpose of raising issues and sharing information related to Scenic Hill, Grifith.

Relevant Documents 

Plan of Management Scenic Hill Zone 1 Formal Recreational Areas(PDF, 4MB)

Plan of Management Scenic Hill Zone 2 Pioneer Park(PDF, 4MB)

Plan of Management Scenic Hill Zone 3 Natural Areas(PDF, 7MB)

Councillor Representation

Councillor Jenny Ellis (Chair),

Councillor Laurie Testoni 

Councillor Tony O'Grady 


View Agendas & Minutes here.



Traffic Committee

Local Traffic Committee

The Local Traffic Committee (LTC) has no decision-making powers and is primarily a technical review committee. It only advises the Council on matters for which the Council has delegated authority, being certain prescribed traffic control devices and traffic control facilities.
The Council must refer all traffic related matters to the LTC prior to exercising its delegated functions. Matters related to State Roads or functions that have not been delegated to the elected Council must be referred directly to Roads and Maritime Services or relevant organisation. Such matters must not be referred to the LTC.
Council is not bound by the advice given by its LTC. However, if Council does wish to act contrary to the unanimous advice of the LTC or when the advice is not unanimous, it must notify Roads and Maritime Services & the NSW Police and wait 14 days before proceeding.

Relevant Documents:

A Guide to the delegation to councils for the regulation of traffic Including the operation of Traffic Committees

Councillor Representation

Councillor Anne Napoli (Chair)

Councillor Tony O'Grady (Alt) 


View Agendas & Minutes here.


Saleyards Committee

Focus Areas


Purpose & Scope

To be determined

Councillor Representation

Councillor Scott Groat (Chair),

Councillor Christine Stead

Councillor Doug Curran


View Agendas & Minutes here.


Committee member induction

Induction process

Once you've been notified of your acceptance to the Committee, there's some additional steps to be followed. 

Step 1:  Read the following Policies and Information 

Code of Conduct(PDF, 3MB) 
Model Code of Conduct at a Glance Committee Members & Delegates(PDF, 214KB) 
Code of Meeting Practice(PDF, 282KB) 
Statements to the Media Policy(PDF, 128KB) 
Social Media Policy(PDF, 178KB)
Child Safe Policy(PDF, 146KB)
Child Safe Code of Conduct(PDF, 2MB) 
Information Protection Principles

Step 2 - Complete the Committee Acknowledgement of Policies Form

Remember to:

  • Submit a Conflict of Interest form for all Pecuniary or Non-Pecuniary declarations of Interests (refer to Part 4 & 5 of the Code of Conduct)
  • Submit a Gift and Benefits Form should you be the recipient of any gifts or benefits in your duty as a Committee member, as detailed in Part 6 of the Code of Conduct