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Waste Collection

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Your Councillor

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Bin collection

Help make sure your bin gets collected by:

  • Putting it out the night before
  • Placing it on the nature strip
  • Facing the wheels to your house or property
  • Ensuring it’s safe and secure
  • Not overloading the bin – maximum weight is 70 kilograms
  • Allowing a minimum distance of one metre between your domestic waste bin and recycling bin
  • Not placing your bin under low branches
  • Not placing the following materials into your bin:
  • Building waste (eg. bricks, concrete, asbestos fibro)
  • Large metal objects (eg. engine blocks)
  • Pressurised containers (eg. gas cylinders)
  • Liquid waste (eg. motor oil and chemicals) - organic oils are OK

Help the environment

You can play your part in helping our environment by:

  • Making use of Griffith Recycling in Hams Street - bins are available for glass, aluminium cans, cardboard and paper
  • Having a compost bin or worm farm for food scraps
  • Reducing or avoid the use of products with excess packaging

For more information check out the Halve Waste website

Waste charges explained

Section 496 and 504 of the Local Government Act 1993 advice that the domestic waste management services of the Council must be financed by specific annual changes made and levied for that purpose. The act prevents Council from applying ordinary rate income towards the cost of domestic waste management services, nor can it use waste charge income for non-waste related functions.
Domestic waste relates to the service that comprises of a period collection of waste that is generated on domestic premises to which the service is available.

Waste Management Charges

View current fees and charges in the Revenue Policy

Domestic Waste Management Charge

In the serviced areas, a domestic waste management charge is levied against each residential assessment.  The charge covers a 240L bin is picked up weekly.  Domestic Waste Management charge is based on occupancy, therefore if there are multiple dwellings or occupancies, and then multiple charges will apply.
If further capacity is required, then an additional service can be requested which is charged at the same rate.

Domestic Waste – Vacant Charge

In the serviced areas, a domestic waste – vacant charge is levied against each residential assessment that has not had an occupation certificate issued.  This charge covers fees relating to the costs of providing the service.  Only one charge per assessment is levied.

Domestic Waste – 240L Recycling Charge

In the serviced areas, a domestic recycling charge is levied against each residential assessment.  The charge covers a 240L bin is picked up fortnightly.  Domestic Waste Recycling charge is based on occupancy, therefore if there are multiple dwellings or occupancies, and then multiple charges will apply.
If further capacity is required, then an additional service can be requested which is charged at the same rate.

Domestic Capital/Maintenance

This charge that is levied per domestic waste bin and is allocated towards the payment of the Loan taken out to upgrade the Tharbogang Landfill Transfer Station.

Commercial Waste Management Charge

In the serviced areas, commercial properties can elect to use Councils waste services.  There are three types of bins available being 240L, 660L and 1100L.  The size of bin may depend on what service is available.
If further capacity is required, then an additional service can be requested which is charged at the same rate.

Commercial Capital Loan

This charge that is levied per commercial waste bin and is allocated towards the payment of the Loan taken out to upgrade the Tharbogang Landfill Transfer Station.

Commercial – 240L Recycling Charge

In the serviced areas, commercial properties can elect to have a recycling service.  The charge covers two 240L bin is picked up fortnightly. 
If further capacity is required, then an additional service can be requested which is charged at the same rate.


View the waste and recycling services calendar here(PDF, 573KB)