Aged Care Services

For most people, growing older means that there are times when you find it difficult to manage with day-to-day living activities. You may realise you need help, or you may be caring for a friend or family member who needs help, but you just don't know where to start or what help you can get. Services provided include: ACAT (Aged Care Assessment Team), gentle exercise program and falls prevention. As well as Tai Chi - Monday 11.30am-12.30pm (run by Raye Martin), Tai Chi - Tuesday 10.30-11.30am (run by Madeline Rowe), Tai Chi - Wednesday 11-12 midday (run by Jenny De Rossi). Visiting Geriatrician one day per month. Support Group meetings are held on the 1st Wednesday monthly at 1.00pm.


78B Kookora Street,  Griffith 2680  View Map

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