Griffith City Council is pleased to announce that the Kooyoo Café is now available for bookings.
Griffith businesses and other organisations are now able to hire the newly established Kooyoo Café, which features all of the necessary equipment to allow preparation and sales of hot and cold foods and drinks.
Local businesses and/or organisations can now hire Kooyoo Café per day or per week with a maximum hire period of six consecutive weeks, unless another agreement has been negotiated with Council.
Griffith Mayor, Councillor Doug Curran said the Kooyoo Café presents a prime opportunity for businesses and organisations.
“If local businesses are looking for ways to create some interest, they can use the Café as an extension of normal business operations,” Councillor Curran said.
“We now have an excellent facility in a prime location available for use. We are also consulting the community about closing this area to vehicles permanently which could further enhance the locale. I hope it is well utilised and locals support those who do book it.”
The Kooyoo Café can be operated during the following hours: Monday to Thursday 7am to 9pm, Friday to Saturday 7am to 11pm and Sunday 7am to 5pm.
Make a booking: https://www.griffith.nsw.gov.au/book-a-council-facility
For more information e-mail: admin@griffith.nsw.gov.au or karin.penninga@griffith.nsw.gov.au or call 1300 176 077.

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