If you see large numbers of emergency vehicles at Griffith Airport next week, don’t be alarmed, it’s all part of a training exercise.
The exercise, known as “Broken Wing”, will be carried out on Wednesday 25 October 2023 and will include local teams from the NSW Police Force, Fire and Rescue NSW, Ambulance, Rural Fire Service, SES and Griffith City Council Airport staff.
Council’s Director Infrastructure and Operations, Phil King is the Local Emergency Management Officer. He said conducting emergency exercises is a requirement of public airports and is a valuable opportunity for all local emergency services.
“The purpose of the training is to assess the multi-agency response and capabilities of all emergency services and to test the Griffith Airport Emergency Plan,” Mr King said.
Council’s Director Sustainable Development Services, Mr Bruce Gibbs is responsible for the airport operating compliance. He said this exercise is conducted on a bi-annual basis and allows those involved to assess emergency procedures and training.
“Please don't be alarmed if you see emergency response vehicles and personnel at the airport during the training exercise,” Mr Gibbs said.
The exercise will commence at, 6.30pm and should not exceed three hours.
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