Griffith Showground Trust

Open space showgrounds to be used by the community of Griffith. Includes park & camping facilities. Operated by the Griffith Showground Trustees.

The Griffith Showground is located close to the CBD and residential areas and is of key importance to the community as an area of open space and for recreation and sporting activities.

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Francis Street,Binya NSW 2665 129 Banna Avenue,Griffith NSW 2680 30 Abattoir Road,Griffith NSW 2680 PO Box 38,Hanwood NSW 2680 47 Canal Street,Griffith NSW 2680 Griffith Showgrounds,Murrumbidgee Avenue, Griffith NSW 2680 Yenda Place,Yenda NSW 2681
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Entry is free and it is available for non-profit groups and organisations.


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