2nd Griffith Scout Group 30 Abattoir Road, Griffith 2680 Fun for all ages - camping, canoeing, craft, camp cooking, community work, caving, rock climbing, meeting heaps of fun-loving people. Type : Clubs and interest groups
340 Squadron Australian Air Force Cadets (AAFC) Remembrance Drive, Griffith 2680 The AAFC will teach you valuable life skills and will help you develop qualities including leadership, self reliance, confidence, teamwork and communication. Type : Youth
Aged Care Assessment Team 78B Kookora Street, Griffith 2680 Aged Care Assessment Team (ACAT's) assist older people and their carers to access the types of care and services and that best meet their needs. ACAT's provide assessment, recommendations and options for services and assistance with linkage into residential care or Community Aged Care Packages. Type : Aged/senior services
Aged Care Services 78B Kookora Street, Griffith 2680 Aged care services are committed to assisting the elderly and their carers navigate the many and options available within the age care system. The system has been designed to give people more choice, more control and easier access to a full range of aged care services. Type : Aged/senior services
Alcoholics Anonymous 1 Olympic St, 2680 Support group for anyone who thinks they may have a problem with alcohol and would like to stop drinking. Type : Clubs and interest groups
Alcoholics Anonymous 1 Olympic Street, 2680 Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. Type : Health and welfare services
Anglicare Griffith Op Shop Noorebar Avenue, Griffith 2680 Anglicare Griffith Op Shop sells a wide range of high quality, recycled clothing, bric-a-brac and accessories. Type : Health and welfare services
Argyle Housing 136-140 Yambil Street, Griffith 2680 Argyle Housing is a not-for-profit community based provider of social and affordable housing. We do not have crisis accommodation. Type : Housing