Access and inclusion

Griffith's Disability Inclusion Access

The Disability Inclusion Action Plan (DIAP)(PDF, 4MB) demonstrates Council’s commitment to people with a disability on improving access to services, facilities and jobs and is also designed to change perceptions about people with a disability.

Griffith City Council’s Plan is closely aligned with the Community Strategic Plan ‘guiding griffith 2040’ and includes:

  • attitudes and behaviours - breaking down the barriers for a more inclusive community
  • liveable communities - how we get around and access the physical environment
  • employment - opportunities within Council and the community
  • systems and processes - making it easy to find information and communicate with us

The DIAP was adopted by Council on Tuesday 9 November 2021.

View our Disability Inclusion Access Plan >

Disability Inclusion Access Committee

Griffith City Council has established a Disability Inclusion Access Committee to advise Council on matters relating to access and inclusion for people living with a disability in the area. 

The scope of the committee is:

  • To advise and make recommendations to Council on matters relating to access and mobility issues with particular emphasis on issues for people with disabilities.
  • To advise Council on issues relating to the Pedestrian Access and Mobility Plan (PAMP), Bicycle Plan, CBD Strategy, Development Control Plans, Tourism and Economic Development Strategy or other Plans of Council and their implementation;
  • To prepare advice to Council during planning and design of public buildings, open space and recreation facilities;
  • To prepare submissions following public notification of Development Applications or significant development proposals in the public domain;
  • To advise Council on access issues relating to public events.

Meetings are held on the 4th Tuesday of every third month. 

For more information contact Council on 1300 176 077.