Griffith City Council to commence Stage 4A of Griffith Southern Indust
Published on 23 January 2025
Griffith City Council is set to commence construction on Stage 4A of the Griffith Southern Industrial Link (GSIL) along Thorne Road, between Murrumbidgee Avenue and Kidman Way, starting Tuesday, 4 February 2025.
The GSIL serves as a designated Heavy Vehicle Route designed to bypass Griffith’s CBD and urban areas, ensuring a safer and more efficient path for heavy vehicles. By redirecting heavy vehicle traffic to roads specifically constructed for their use, the project aims to reduce wear and tear on urban roads, improve safety, and enhance the overall quality of Griffith’s road network.
Stage 4A (i) is being funded through the Australian Government’s Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program (LRCIP) with close to $600,000 and stage 4A (ii) funded by NSW Government’s Regional Emergency Road Repair Fund (RERRF) with $200,000.
These stages involve upgrading and widening Thorne Road, as well as undertaking significant drainage improvements. Preliminary works with minimal traffic impact have already commenced or been completed.
Traffic impacts during construction
To ensure the safety of workers and the public, Thorne Road (between Murrumbidgee Avenue and Kidman Way) will be fully closed to all traffic during construction. Residents without alternate access will be provided with appropriate entry points. The following roads will also be closed, with access restricted to residents only:
i) Sidlow Road - between Stafford Road and Thorne Road
ii) Crook Road - between Beaumont Road and Thorne Road
Construction and road closures will begin on 4 February 2025, with completion expected by the end of April 2025, weather and unforeseen conditions permitting. Normal work hours will be 6.30am to 4pm, Monday to Friday, with occasional Saturday works if necessary.
Council appreciates the community’s patience and understanding during this important project, which will ultimately improve the functionality and safety of Griffith’s transport network.
For any questions or concerns, please contact Project Manager Shree Shrestha at Griffith City Council on 1300 176 077.