Corporate planning and reporting

Council plans for a sustainable future while keeping the community informed along the way.

We follow the Integrated Planning and Reporting (IP&R) framework, which guides the way councils in NSW document their plans for the future and report on their progress.

The plans in the IP&R Framework define the vision for councils, and the goals and strategic actions to achieve them.

Planning for the future of Griffith

Community Engagement Strategy 2024-26

Community Strategic Plan 2022-2032

The Community Strategic Plan (CSP)(PDF, 19MB) is Council’s key strategic planning document and guides the future direction of the Griffith Local Government Area for the next 10 years and describes the community’s vision and aspirations for Griffith. It also describes our priorities and the approach we will take to achieve the community’s long-term vision for Griffith.



We are currently compiling our draft Community Strategic Plan, to go to the Council meeting on 28 January 2025. Head to our engagement portal, Connect Griffith to find out more Connect Griffith 

Delivering our future

Delivery Program 2022-26 Operational Plan 2024-25

The Delivery Program 2022-2026 Operational Plan 2024-2025(PDF, 17MB) describes the projects and services that are priorities for the current Council term. It also details key actions, significant projects, budget and resource allocation that Council will deliver to work toward realising the long-term goals outlined in the Community Strategic Plan.


Workforce Management Plan 2022-2026

Asset Management Plan 2022-26


Tracking our progress

Follow our progress on working toward achieving the community’s vision for the future of the Griffith.


State of Our City Report

The State of Our City Report outlines the progress made during the elected Council's term of office (usually 4 years) towards achieving the goals outlined in the Community Strategic Plan.

State of Our City Report - 2022-2024


Other Reports and Strategies:

Griffith Economic Development Strategy 2021-25


Griffith Destination Tourism Plan 2021-2024


Community Participation Plan